These Yellow Flies are driving me crazy

The female yellow fly is known to be one of the most problematic and persistent biting fly pests, particularly in the regions where it is commonly found. Contrary to its name, the male yellow fly does not bite. This particular species of fly is particularly aggressive and will fiercely attack humans without any provocation. The bites from this fly are not only painful but can also result in large and extremely itchy swellings on the skin.
The yellow fly is known to be an active pest throughout the day, but it is especially active during the late afternoon hours and on cloudy days. This flying pest is commonly found near large bodies of water, such as lakes and rivers, and tends to remain in or near forested areas. Unusually, the yellow fly is one of the few tabanids that will attack its victims indoors, making it a particularly annoying pest.
All exposed parts of the victim's body are potential targets for the yellow fly's bites, and due to its quiet flight, a person may not be aware of the fly's presence until they feel the sharp pain of the bite. Domestic animals, including dogs, are also frequent targets of the yellow fly's attacks. However, its preference for shade makes it less of a nuisance to cattle and horses in open pastures.
In Florida, the yellow fly is on the wing from March to November, with the peak season occurring between April and June. During this time, the yellow fly can be a significant problem for both humans and animals alike.
One of the best and safest ways to prevent contact with Yellow Flies is a combination of botanical ingredients such as Eucalyptus, Lemon Grass, Citronella and Clove. If you do get a bite, a combination of Menthol, Camphor, and Arnica will immediately relieve the itching and help reduce the inflammation.
PESKY® Products LLC have done their research and found a way to Synergistically combine the proven ingredients into one of the most effective products on the market for preventing and bite relief for Yellow Flies.